Meet Lawrence Onuh [Mr Photogenic 2016] The Most Photogenic Guy In Auchi Polytechnic For Academic Session 2016/2017

Auchi Poly Mr Photogenic 2016 Profile

Position: Mr photogenic 
Department: biz Admin nd 1
Name :  Blessd hommie
State Enugu State 
Likes : 
Dislikes : unfaithful , jealousy, cheat 
Hobbies : singing and dancing listen to music, mingle with friends 
Vision for your self : am a fashion designer, going more into modeling 
Advice : it's an honour to be the Mr photogenic of the school, believe in God, take seriousness in eveyritn you do... 
Dob September 13th

Compiled by #WapjuniorTV for AUchi Poly Official Gist /Online Publicity For more news follow us on Facebook Whatsapp +2348101006164

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