Apply For Tertiary Social Health Insurance Programme(TISHIP)
The Tertiary Institutions Social Health Insurance Programme (TISHIP) is a social security system whereby the health care of students in tertiary institutions is paid for from funds pooled through the contributions of students. It is a programme committed to ensuring access to qualitative healthcare service for students of tertiary institutions thereby promoting the health of students with a view to creating conducive learning environment. It takes cognizance of the current practices and challenges faced by students in accessing care both during and out of session, as well as the potential of the current tertiary health facilities to maximize access to quality health care. Tertiary institutions are categorized as Universities, Colleges of Education, Polytechnics, Colleges of Agriculture, Monotechnics, Schools of Nursing, Midwifery, Health Technology and other Specialized Institutions.
The Purpose
The purpose of TISHIP is to cater for the health care needs of Nigerian students in tertiary institutions who due to their studentship status cannot benefit under other health insurance programmes.
This population constitutes a very large percentage of the country’s population. By virtue of their age and their status as students, most of them cannot benefit from the public sector programme as enrollees or dependants of enrollees. This necessitates a programme designed to meet their needs.
Providing students access to qualitative and affordable healthcare is not only imperative to the achievement of the presidential mandate which is to achieve universal coverage and access to healthcare services for all Nigerians and legal residents but also to the overall development of our nation.
The ultimate goal is to ensure the health and well-being of this critical population 9 with a view to creating a conducive learning environment and contributing to the overall development of the country
".....easy access to health care for all"
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