Things To Bring Along To Campus As A Fresher

Depending on the standard of your school and what is obtainable there, below are the list of things you should come to campus with as a fresher;
1. Documents
-Passport photos
-Passport or driving licence
-NHS number
-National Insurance number
-TV Licence
-CV and references
-Discount travel cards
-Bank account details
-Address book and email contacts list
-Local map
-What's on guide
-Old textbooks and notes
-List of phone numbers
-Support notification form
-Diary or calendar
-Doctor and dentist details
-Other university documents
-Exam certificates
-Room insurance
2. Kitchen
A lot of the kitchen stuff will depend if you're going self catering or not.
-Bottle opener
-Wine glasses
-Shot glasses
-Knives, forks and spoons
-Bowls (for cereal, soup, ice cream, etc)
-One-person casserole dish
Small frying or omelette pan
1 small, 1 large saucepan with lids
-Egg cup
-Tin opener
-Chopping knife
-Chopping board - An extra chopping board if you are cutting meat: this way you avoid food poisoning!!!
-Vegetable peeler
-Cheese grater - (ho for one that has the grater as a lid so all the cheese goes into a box/compartment neatly and you can leave it in there to store as well )
-Wooden spoon
-Spatula - good for a washing up implement.
-Potato Masher (only if you are a fan of mash tho!)
-Easy to follow recipe book
-Store cupboard ingredients - coffee, tea, milk, sugar, eggs, margarine, cooking oil, salt and pepper - and let's not forget pasta
-Coffee whitener - for when you run out of milk
-Sandwich bags - good for lots of stuff you open and need to contain. e.g. sugar / teabags and things
-Plastic bowl or box with lid
-Microwaveable bowl
-Cling film
-Tin foil
-Tea towels
-Oven gloves
-Washing-up stuff - Washing-up liquid / -Dishcloth / Scrubbing brush
-Tray - For carrying food to your room and to stop you making a mess if you're not eating at a table
-Desk lamp (Halogen)
-BOOK CHAIR - saves a lot of neck strain if you are making notes out of a big book]
-NOTICE BOARD - for timetables, numbers, etc. Some halls may already provide one.
Message board with erasable marker eg. a mini white board or one of those magnetic sand ones that you can wipe
-DIARY/PLANNERS - to keep track of assignments.
-Dictionary and thesaurus
-A pad of lined paper - for making notes/doing drafts etc
-Ream of printing paper
-A4 folders
-Pens, pencils, paper, files, highlighters
-Sticky tape
-Stapler, hole punch
-Sticky labels
-Post-it notes
-Paper clips
-White Tac - so it doesn't mark the walls
-Stamps and envelopes
4. Outdoor
-Sports gear
-Head warmer/cap
5. Healthcare
-Basic first aid kit - plasters, antiseptic wipes, bandages
-Some cold/flu remedy in case you are struck down by freshers' flu
-Anti-allergy pills - eg. Piriton
-A cold/hot pack
6. Bathroom
-Bath mat
-Bath and hand towels (+ possibly a flanel)
-Basket for shower supplies
-Wash bag
-Toilet roll
-Box of tissues
-Toothbrush and toothpaste
-Soap - liquid soap is probably better. If you're sharing bathrooms then it's easier to transport and wont slip onto the floor etc.
-Shower gel
-Nail clippers
-Hair gel
-Hair spray
-Shaving cream/gel
-Lip balm
7. Housekeeping
-Air Freshener
-Laundry bag - So your dirty clothes don't end up on the floor. And for dragging to the laundry or dumping on your parents to wash for you!
-Clothes horse - Save money on dryers by drying your clothes in your room
-Coat hangers - you may not get any in wardrobes
-Dustpan and brush - for cleaning up the odd mess, though most hostels should provide this
-Kitchen towel
-Cleaning products
-Washing powder/liquid/tablets - if the washing powder dispenser isn't working
-Door wedge - an open door in freshers week is much more friendly
8. Electrical
-Alarm clock (maybe 2 in two different locations in your room to make sure lectures are at least attempted, even if you carry on sleeping there!)
-Calculator - for sorting out finances
-Computer and/or laptop - saves on queues at deadline time
-Computer mouse for laptop - easier to use than a trackpad
-CDR's (CDRW's cheaper in long run) - for backing up work
-USB "pen drive" - carrying projects etc between uni, internet cafe, friends comp, etc. quickly, easily and RELIABLY!
-Printer - printing could take up to six hours on uni computers
-Network cable - to access the internet from the socket in your room
-Mini fridge - for beer and other items you don't want in the communal fridge
-Bedside lamp
-Mobile and charger
-Answering machine
-CD player/Hi-fi system - though better (certainly space wise) just to bring speakers and use your computer
-TV - but license fee will be costly. There will doubtless be a communal TV you can watch. Also worth considering a TV-DVD/-VCR combi or separate VCR/DVD players
-Camera - to take pictures of room and friends (to send home/put on website ... everything else people do with photos)
-Headphones - so you don't disturb others when you play music loud. You can get 'infra-red' ones that aren't too expensive and allow you to walk around while still listening to the music.
-Batteries - rechargeable (save money)
-Multi plug adaptor/extension lead - to give you more than the normal 2/4 sockets
9. Clothing
-Dressing gown
-Flip flops - for wearing in showers / communal wash areas
-Ball gowns/evening wear - for the Freshers' Ball.
-Shirt and tie for any smart-casual events
10. Leisure
-Board games - a couple, will make a good fun free evening (not sure about your phrasing! - its not mine)
-Pack of card
-Ball - rugby ball/football for friendly matches/made up games
-Frisbee - again for the occasional game (rugby style)
11. Style
-Posters - though theses are often available during freshers week - (you might need things to cover bad decoration)
-Photos of family and friends
-Wall hanging - more homely than posters
-Rugs - to hide the mangy carpet
-Fairylights/disco ball/police light/lava lamp
-Cushions/beanbags - for friends to sit down in your room
-A throw - to make your bed into a sofa for friends to sit on
-Pot plants
Teddy bear/stuffed toys
-Blankets - for when it gets cold and you want to snuggle up
12. Bedding
-Duvet and duvet covers
-Pillows & pillow cases - did you know the average used pillow is 75% dead flesh?
-Mattress cover - goes between the mattress and the bottom sheet
-Hot water bottle
-Inflatable mattress and pump - for your mates when they visit
-Sleeping bag - for when friends come to stay/when you go to stay
13. Miscellaneous
-Drinks - to make new friends with
-Sweets or biscuits - to distribute to flatmates
-Extra storage - cardboard or plastic boxes for things which wont fit anywhere else
-Large suitcase - to put things in when going home for the weekend
-A spare lightbulb
-Torch - for power cuts and looking under desks/chairs/beds
-Pen knife
-Loose change - for washing / vending machines
-Earplugs - to cut out noise you don't want to hear
-Bookends - probably unnecessary; just use something else (eg pot of pasta, sugar etc)
-Poster hangers - if you're not allowed Blu-/White?-Tac on the walls
-Safety pins
-Small sewing kit - just in case you need to do a quick fix on a rip or tear (like the ones you get in hotels)
-Small toolkit
14. Female specific items
-Hair Ties/clips
-Make up (eye shadow, mascara, lip stick/-gloss, eyeliner, foundation, etc)
-Baby Oil
-Nail Varnish
-Hair removing cream
-Hair dryer/straighteners
-Tampons/sanitary towels
14. Male specific items
-Shaving brush
If you have all these, you won't spend much while in the hostel.

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